Happily Whole

Living well from the inside out


I am well in my soul....not always, but that's when I know I'm really living well;  when I'm Living well from the Inside Out.

It's here where I really live, where I breathe and believe in so much more than what I see. It's my soul's workshop filled with what I've come through, me in this moment and hints of where I'm headed in heart and soul.

A journal, really. The kind where I take ALL God's given me, form words and then give them away in little morsels from the seat of my soul to slowly sink into yours. It's the place I tinker and toy with life lessons, sharing hopes of peace and purpose. It's what I wish to wrap up as a gift for two girls who fill my heart with gratitude and gumption to live well each day! 

I’ll be blessed to share a word once in a while that resonates with you! Now, pull up a chair and rest with me…..

Remembering, Re-living and Redemption

March 9, 2015, written by katie
Learning to live, embracing life, cupping the face of all His blessings!


Today's the day, exactly four years ago, that the man I married and my daughter's daddy went to heaven.

March 11, 2011. A day etched in my memory and containing the miracle of a man being called home. A miracle I'll always remember, along with all the heart aching details leading up to it.

...a day that would set a new stage for my little family's scene

...that would suddenly define me differently, as a single mom with a world of new roles and emotional tolls

...a day that would begin my weary walk as a young widow

Reverse Sacrificing for a Cross-Revival

February 21, 2015, written by katie
Make a reverse sacrifice so we can all create a cross revival!

Ever wonder why some Christians give something up during Lent? Maybe you do. Is it tradition, the special marking of a season or truly the sacrifice of something significant to signify our Savior’s ultimate sacrifice?

Maybe it’s presumptuous, but I’d venture to say perhaps some take ‘giving up’ for Lent a little too far…too far from its spiritual intent, to be exact

Maybe ‘giving up’ has become more self-serving than Savior seeking.

Self-Reliance vs Soul-Revolution: a new approach for your resolutions

January 5, 2015, written by katie
The Soul's Desire is Always Deeper than the Skin's. Make your resolutions into soul-revolutions...


I refuse to write about New Year’s resolutions in the same old soul-draining way. Why? Because wellness the world’s way is never the right way when God’s left in the dust and lost in the droning of fads and fears of failure.

Lose weight by following these eating rules….

Guaranteed to lose inches with this new gizmo…

Get the body you want when you try this trend…

4 Soul-Revolutionizing Ways to Reach Your Resolutions

January 1, 2015, written by katie
Seek a soul revolution instead of a New Year's Resolution this year!


Living well—it’s really a matter of your heart and soul, you know. Because if you really want results, you’ve got to DO differently every day with some discipline. And to behave diligently and differently you’ve got to start with your heart. You can white knuckle your wants and wish old habits away for only so long until the honeymoon ends you’re right back to where you began.

Confessions About Self-Care: How we are all already saved

January 1, 2015, written by katie
Relinquish your wellness goals to God and rejoice!


As you might already know, my version of living well is not necessarily what the world might offer you up on its platter of self-expectation and long lists of rules to follow. In fact, I think some of you might call my approach a bit unconventional.

But, I’ve decided to stand up to the world’s approach. I’m taking it on head-on and hoping you’ll join me.


Because there’s nothing more exhausting than self-reliance when we already have a Savior to rely on.

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Setbacks & Soul Care

November 30, 2014, written by katie


What if you started thinking about self-care as soul-care first?

What if you decided that leaning into God’s help and healing gives you better support than the Band-Aid solutions given by a world or your own resolve?

Driven by Self or Drawn by the Savior?

November 23, 2014, written by katie
Slow the Pace to Create Space for the Lord to Fill Your List


My everyday intentions often end up getting lost in the pace of running from place to place and working wildly to cross tasks off the list on my countertop. Yeah, the list looks peaceful, even productive, with carefully drawn lines marking my to dos complete.

It feels good, doesn’t it? Making a day’s aspirations into accomplishments?

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Member's Session 2: Set Yourself up for Mind, Body and Soul Success

November 11, 2014, written by katie

Creating a physical and emotional environment conducive for success is absolutely necessary for reaching it. I wouldn’t be as healthy as I am today if I stocked my pantry with processed foods, didn’t schedule my devotion time and exercise into my week or if I didn't get enough sleep (well...that may be where I'm lacking a little!).

Preparation is a MUST when it comes to living well.


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