Welcome to Happily Whole! It's so nice to meet you. I'm flattered you found your way here, to my online ‘home’. Overjoyed, actually! Pull up a chair, please, relax and make yourself at home. For me, this is 'it'! It's what I want to share with you!
My Story
My Favorites
‘These are a few of my favorite things’
Cue the music! ‘These are a few of my fav-o-rite things!’
I am not quite technically advanced enough to play you the song …but if you know the Sound of Music, hear that little ditty as you read through a few of my Happily Whole favorite things!
As you read take each with a grain of salt. There are a few of MY favorite things. They don’t have to be YOURS. They may, however, give you some ideas or inspiration to generate your list of ‘go tos’ or even just let you in on a little more of what I fill my life with.
The Happily Whole Lifestyle
Good health, nutrition, energy, stress managing skills, ideal weight and effective exercise….it’s a common list of concerns for someone striving towards a healthy lifestyle. If you’re here, you are likely amongst those of us who aim to achieve those characteristics. But, if you’re anything like me or the women I have worked with, you also find yourself swimming upstream, against a list of priorities, roles and responsibilities that somehow take over your best intentions.