Lately my life feels a little like it’s teetering on a tight to a tight rope I'm nearly falling from. Is it just me or are you just barely balancing in the act of daily obligations, striving to find fulfillment in even just one moment of the day? It’s easy to miss the meaning in a stormy sea of stress and struggles. Even the ever-present joy of Jesus can drown in long to-do lists or loud yet lonely moments.
But that’s not what living well is all about!
In times like these, attempts at living well feel more like dipping into an empty well. Maybe it's because our soul's sick and we're seeking inspiration from the wrong sources. Ladies, we've got to dig a little deeper. We need to sink our teeth into something more soothing than what’s found in the world’s remedies. Our society’s solutions will never solve our soul problems!
Let’s look through a heavenly lens. Let's DO this living well thing differently. You know what I mean: Write to-do lists pleasing to our Creator, make aesthetics the icing and not the sole intent, leave listlessness behind and mindfully strive to see blessings in simple, mundane moments.
Let’s turn living well inside out and start with the health of our souls.
That's why I'm daring you to dig deep. Not the 'truth or dare' kind of contest. Not the type of dare delivering instant gratification or momentary bliss. But the deep down kind of dare that defies what you’ve always thought living well might look like. It’ll take your breath away as you inhale the fresh fragrance of finally feeling like you're living well in your own beautiful body and in the firmness of faith that you’re right where you’re supposed to be.
You were created for a time such as THIS! So, without any more hesitation, look up and step forward on the path Jesus paved for you.
Me? You already know I’m teetering so it’s time I accept my own dare all over again. And, I dare you to do it with me.
Here’s the first step: 40 Day Challenges: Heart Work. (scroll down to see a FREE Printable for your Heart Work Challenge)
Are you up for some heart work? Heart work happens when you let the hard work rest and your heart overflows with worth from the Lord. After all, you real authenticity is in Christ’s identity.
Start living well by stretching the soul and seeking Him day in and day out.
Because in Him is where the real YOU resides. When your soul seeks light the only way it’ll ever see the Son is though opening your eyes and looking for the Savior.
It’s 40 days, Friends. Pick your start date. March it out on your kitchen calendar or in your handheld device.
For this first 40 day journey together we’ll start in the soul, where the only eternal type of wellness exists. And that’s how we’ll start living well differently, inside out, from the soul.
Here’s what you'll do:
Pause often to grasp any goodness and grab onto gifts of gratitude; seek God’s grace in the greatness of the day and His meaning in the mundane. Look for loveliness in the losses and significance in the struggles. Nothing’s too small or too simple. Nothing’s too big or too blinding.
List them. Yeah, that’s right…write them into your rightness. Record gratitude into your reality. Sketch the goodness into your souls! This tangible act of writing gifts and your gratitude down will transform you.
Write where you see morsels of good, kind, caring, compassion, love, peace and precious lessons in your path. Jot down excitement in your efforts and the surprise in small successes.
It’s a humble start to live well writing out the good things from your heart.
Why am I starting here for our first 40 Day challenge? Because I know this much to be true: I wasn’t really living well until wellness started at the seat of my soul. My life, my own day-to-day mundane, is made real and worthy when a gift of gratitude is offered up to my God even alongside any hurts or heartaches.
You see, HIS gifts are ALWAYS there for the taking, always there for aching and always there for the healing and the happily whole life—we simply must slow to see them.
Go slow for the next 40 days to make a difference in your existence. Keep a paper in your purse, a journal on the cluttered kitchen counter and a notebook by your bedside.
So, yeah. I dare you to live well differently and do the heart work for 40 days. Are you in or are you out?
FREE PRINTABLE, download and print here: heartwork.pdf