Happily Whole

Living well from the inside out


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Core Circuit on Stability Ball

July 22, 2014, written by katie

I love this workout for those days after I've done a full body strength workout or when I feel the need to really center myself and focus on my core. And since this circuit is all about core and a touch of legs, but in a lengthening-strengthing kind of way, it's also a good one to do after a cardio/aerobic exercise. 

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This is How We Plank!

May 26, 2014, written by katie

I heard many of you enjoyed the Members Core video I sent! So, I thought it would be good to continue focusing on the core but to take it in a bit of a different direction. (If you missed the video, please let me know and I will send it to you again.)

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Spine Strong

March 26, 2014, written by peggy

A waste of time! That's what I used to think when I did workouts without sweat dripping from my chin or my thighs complaining out of exhaustion. Slow meant boring, unproductive and uninspiring.

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