Happily Whole

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Change the World With Chickpeas: a Simple, Savory Snack

Sometimes we simply need to get started. We need to stop waiting to try something new, stop enduring the current state of things and stop accepting the ‘norm’ as the non-negotiable way.

We simply need to start something new, change the norm and set new standards, even if just one small step at a time. After all, the world will never change if we don’t even start! If we don’t begin in our own hearts and homes, how will we ever be able to believe that something bigger and better can happen?!

That’s how I feel right about now. There’s so much sadness and sin, so much muck and utter madness. There’s so much clogging our world’s arteries that soon we’ll all be sick with diseases of head and heart!

That’s why we simply need to start.

If we take our own hearts and homes, if we speak truth and stand up for the world’s spiritual health, at least we’re taking a step. We’re setting an example for those who live in our own little worlds and, with that, perhaps we even send ripples to people in our outer circles.

Then, once we’ve started simply with just one small step, God’ll give us His confidence and endurance to create bigger waves out into the world. We can never know how our great big God will use our small, humble efforts.

Don’t you get it? We can’t change anything with opinion! There’s no nourishment in knowing. CHANGE only happens when we get out of our heads and DO differently. We heal when we make things happen, even if it’s just starting with something so small that only our household sees it.

Because if we all just do that, eventually we’ll unite to change the world…

I certainly don’t mean to trivialize the troubles in this war-torn world with a recipe! But, can’t we use food to symbolize how small changes create big differences? If all you do in your diet is replace chips with much healthier chickpeas (or fruit or whatever!), you will eventually be inspired to change MORE. And before you know it, your whole body will be different from how you feel to how you function.

You have the ability to change your beautiful body for the better, to honor the temple God gave you and to care for the vessel crafted just for you! And it only takes small steps to start…(That’s the way the world works, too, you know. If we want it to feel and function differently, we have to nourish it!)

So, yeah, show yourself how one small delicious change in how you feed your family can change the way you feel, almost instantly. Then apply it to how you work in the world and the ways you reflect love and light into the very dark diseases infesting human creation—the most beautiful of all God’s design.

What small change will you start with? 

High in folate, iron, fiber, and plant based protein, chick peas are a perfect snack for adults and kids alike. The protein and fiber keep you full while the nutrients nourish your cells. And did I mention all the heart health benefits? 


  • 2 cups prepared chickpeas*
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon paprika (I used smoked)
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon coarse grain salt (such as Pink Himalayan)
  • --You can alter this spice combination to your liking. This is what works for us but feel free to create your own concoction!

Recipe Instructions

  • Preheat oven to 275 degrees. 
  • Prepare a large baking pan with sides with parchment paper if you want to avoid mess. 
  • In a medium sized bowl, toss the chickpeas with the olive oil to coat them. 
  • Add all the spices and toss well again. 
  • Put the chickpeas in a single layer on the baking sheet and put 'em in the oven! Bake for about 20 minutes. Remove from oven, stir and bake another 10 to 15 minutes. 
  • If they are still very soft, you can bake a bit longer but keep a close watch to make sure you don't burn them, removing from the oven every few minutes to roll them around on the pan (to avoid over-baking one side). 
  • Let them cool completely and then enjoy! 
  • These are best eaten on the first day. If you store them, put them in a airtight container in the fridge. They won't be as crisp on the second day but still tasty! 

Recipe Notes

*You can use chickpeas from a can or you can soak overnight and pressure cook dried chick peas (according to package instructions). If you used chick peas from a can, rinse them well with water prior to following the recipe instructions. 

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