Sitting here staring at this screen, my fingers tap out words almost on autopilot as I look back at the last decade of my life. A decade of both devastating and lovely, delicate details adorning the mismatched fabric all stitched together creating me. All at once, I feel a bit sick with overwhelm and overcome with awe at how all the incompatible, unexpected events blend beautifully when displayed as one surprisingly pretty pattern.
That’s how it is for you too, you know. Altogether, you’re lovely! Even your most mismatched moments and lopsided days work wonderfully for the purpose of the whole pattern. If you feel as though phases of your life don’t make sense and details clash with what you always expected out of this life, take a step back. All the mess and devastatingly lovely details create the whole essence of you, in your own surprisingly pretty pattern purposed by God Himself.
Now here in my awe-filled overwhelm, as an observer of my life, the details fade beautifully into one another. Up-close, the clashing hues and wrinkled fabric feel like a little too much lately! But at a distance, I’m starting to see how God always prepares me for the moment.
Suddenly the mismatched messes makes sense.
From a distance, even devastation reveals blessings.
God takes each color, texture, thread and mismatched, torn and tattered cloth to create just what we need right now. He never stiches anything too soon or misses sewing in the right moment.
When life’s stress seems to color your entire quilt or your feeling totally tattered with today’s troubles, stand back to see what He’s teaching. From a distance ask for His strength as He does His miraculous stitching! Because in those devastating or dreary times, He’s preparing you for what’s lovely to come. He reminds you He never promised perfection here but that He’d always provide what you need to become who He wants you to be.
Looking back, I see how the tough, tattered stuff is how He actually renewed and redeemed me! And I’m still sitting here tapping away on autopilot in awe….
There’s more, though, about how I learned the hard way let Him take my tattered tough stuff, to craft an even more creative pattern….Read more here: A Life You Never Expected
But before I go, here's the real Word to rest on...read it, memorize it, live it. Let's do this together in our everyday mismatched messes. "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9 (ESV)