We are free! We are loved so deeply and freely we can let go into a free fall to that holy night knowing our soul’s precious worth is forever protected….
“A Savior has been born to you and He is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11
A Savior! Our God SAVED US with His very own Son!
This miraculous moment so many moons ago, God in heaven sent hope to His beloved human creation. He sent His SON to a stable so that we can let go and free fall into certain death—a death promising life eternal with our Lord and Savior, a death defined by the re-birth of our very souls all because God’s Son succumbed humbly to birth in a stable stained with our sin. Sin this Baby would carry on His back from infancy until He sacrificially carried the cross on His back.
That’s right, Christmas carries your sins to the cross. So, if you’re celebrating Christmas without a cross today, surrender now! Jump off your own miraculous Christmas cliff and cling to the cross until you land in the soft hand of the Lord knowing you’re loved for no other reason than YOU ARE YOU.
"He appeared and your soul felt its worth"… (from 'Oh, Holy Night'). Does your soul feel its worth tonight?!
Your fall from a life-saving cliff is a free fall. You fall FREELY every day you die to yourself and live in Him. This unconditional love embodied by the Baby we celebrate today never leaves you. This unending love entangles your messy and mundane life, it wraps your stresses up in packages of peace and saves you from striving because this love is one you never have to earn.
Your soul’s worth is in HIM….and it’s so preciously protected that it can never be taken away!
This free fall is a falling into a love the world will never understand. And that, Sisters, is why we must LET GO of life as we know it. We must stop striving and grasping for what the world wants of us.
If you’re experiencing Christmas without recognizing the beautiful cross, you’re missing the greatest gift you’ve ever been given. If you’re not dying to self, you’re not free-flying from an earthly cliff into eternity!
So, release self-expectation, earthly ideals and striving for perfection. Find relief from social standards of success and the culture’s beckoning for commodities. Instead, embark on a journey of self-execution. Yes, you read that right: self-execution is the safest way to be soul-saved from yourself. It’s when you let go of forcing your own ways and you free your soul to rest in a simple stable occupied by your Savior.
It’s when you fall from your cliff into an eternal Christmas holding fast to the cross that’ll always carry you to soul-safety.
Loosen your grip that keeps you from His eternal embrace. Because, you see, every time we clamber to the edge of the cliff, we keep ourselves from fully receiving the only Christmas gift that can ever really save us.
So, what keeps us from falling into His arms? Is it a desire for more stuff, worldly success or a heart of distrust?
For me, it’s the not knowing and a desire to control my own destiny…..and as we wait on Christmas, I sit in conviction knowing I too often cling to the cliff instead of the cross.
But I think I'm ready to free fall! With bowed heads and hearts wide open, join me knowing Jesus will go to lengths to reach us and catch us as we fall into Him. None of the gifts beneath your tree amount to anything more than possessions without promise. But, when we release our lives, when we surrender, when we loosen our fingers and fall, we experience exhilaration into His everlasting love!
And your soul will find its worth when you realize you’re loved for FREE.
So unwrap your free gift forever…slowly now…untie the bow of blessing, tear the paper of promise and lift the lid of life eternal!
Dear Heavenly Father, You sent your SON so many years ago and we celebrate still today the unending, unconditional, unfailing love that arrived in our hearts on the day He arrived in that meek and humble manger. Jesus is the ONLY gift given FREE for our taking for life everlasting. We open our hearts to you in utter gratitude as we fall free into Your almighty arms. Thank you for Christ’s coming, for this holy night and for the forgiveness Your Son carried from the stable to the grave. AMEN
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15