I talk.
A lot.
I talk an awful lot for having such young children. At four and six, I’m pretty sure I lose them between the logic and the lesson I’m trying to impart. I’ve known about it for a while, this overabundance of words. My tendency to talk in circles until someone stops me or I satisfy my untamed tongue stretches back to my teenage times. (UGH! Am I really telling you this? Come on, confess something with me!)
Now, as a mom, I’m not talking mean, sassy or even scolding. So, I don't see tone as the problem. And the content is clear....just not concise. Even I’m tired of touting the lesson I want them to learn by the time they leave me, sometimes more confused than enlightened I’m sure.
Well, I believe I’ve finally learned MY lesson. Simple: Stop talking so much!
You see, I love words and weaving them together. My brain naturally overflows with ideas and inspirations I want to translate to my girls during moments we enjoy as a family. Simple lessons, silly truths and serious life skills. Oh, so much character to build and it seems so little time to do it!
Talking isn't ALL bad and perhaps I exaggerated a bit about my lingering lessons. But besides making life lessons more fun, I desired a way to engrave our family values into their minds in a way more intriguing, to somehow engage their hands, minds and hearts.
The answer came to me as I explored our craft drawer collecting items for our latest Pinterst inspiration.
We’ll craft out my concerns! What better way to teach values than with a kid-friendly creative approach. Not only would it condence my words but we'd be left with evidence of the lesson long after the conversations completion.
The trick is finding ways to communicate my content into a craft. Sure, sometimes finger paints and a free-for-all crafting is what they need to explore their inner artists! And I agree in the importance of unstructured playtime.
But, I’ve also found this fun way to flavor our family values! They love it, it provides me a process to partake in with them and it supports my mommy mantra of spending more quality time.
It's been fun! Here's just a couple of our recent family creations:
- Kind Hands, Kind Words, Kind Hearts bulletin board. This one was in response to some very consistent and unsavory sibling bickerig. See featured picture at the top of the post.
- Love Garland. We strung together cut-out hearts with the names of people we love and are thankful for markered on them. We talked about how we are connected to all the people we love. The girls creatively spun the conversation into how we can keep connecting by calling, writing letters and praying for all the people written on the hearts.
- Nursing Home Craft session. We shared this one with friends and how fun that was! We hosted a crafting playdate to make decorations for a friend’s father’s nursing home room. After completing the crafts, we delivered them and decorated his room. What a precious memory, one I plan to re-create. We did it at Christmastime but, certainly, nursing homes could use some youthful sprucing up any time of year!
As a mom, I want to make sure I train them up in a way that teaches them love, kindness, service, gratitude and Godliness. It won’t always be easy, I know. But, fellow Moms, why not seize the moments and make them matter while we can?! Find something your children enjoy and build your values and life lessons into it. For your family, maybe it's not crafting but you can still get creative!
For now, I’m finding fun ways to craft our little lessons to life!
Crafting Our Family Values,