Pure Body Weight
We all come up with excuses of why we can't exercise when we are out of our home base. We don't have our equipment or the space we need. The weather is bad and we can't go out for a run or you didn't bring your workout clothes. Well we have all been in that situation. You know you will feel so much better if you could be active, right? So we have the plan for you.
Here is that workout that you can do just about anywhere you are; whether you’re on a business trip, vacation, staying with friends or family. Just sneak away to your room, turn on your favorite playlist and get to it! No equipment necessary, just your beautiful body.
Perform each exercise one time and then repeat from the beginning for your second set.
You will need: Your beautiful body!
High knee skip back and forth across the room, jogging in place butt kicks, skater lunge side to side. Warm up should last 3-5 minutes. Be sure to click on the thumbnails of the pictures to enlarge them.
Workout Set
Exercise | Description | Sets | Reps | Tempo |
Centipede | Leaning over at the waist, place the palms of the hands on the floor. Keep your core firm and walk your hands away from the feet. Slowly start walking the feet towards the hands one at a time. | 2 | 12 | Walk out to 4 count, walk feet in on 4 count |
Plank - Side-Lying | Lie on the right side with elbow stacked under shoulder, hips stacked and knees bent to 90°.Keep core firm, lift body up onto forearm and knee. Hold for 5-10 seconds | 2 | 10 | Lift for 2, hold for 3, lower for 2 |
Sitting Dip | Sit on the edge a chair. Place heels of palms on edge of seat next to hips. Move hips off of chair and support your weight with hands. Bend elbows and lower hips toward floor. | 2 | 12 | Lower down 2 count, raise up 2 count |
Lunge - Forward | Stand with good posture and hands on hips. Step forward and lower your rear knee toward the floor. Push off forward foot and return to start. | 2 | 12 | slow er down..4 counts each direction |
Side Crawls | Begin in a prone position with the arms straight under the shoulders. Keep the chin tucked. Taking small steps to start, walk the arms and legs to the right side. Repeat to left side. | 2 | 10 | nice and easy both directions |
Clock Lunge | Stand with hands on hips and feet straight ahead. Step forward on the right foot. Lower back knee to floor, push off rt. Foot and return to start. Step out to the side with right foot. Push off rt. foot and return to start. Repeat on left side. | 2 | 12 | Step out to 2 count in on 4 count |
Plank | Lay on the floor face down. Place your forearms on the floor with your elbows under your shoulders. Extend your legs and push up onto your elbows and toes. Hold this position. Don’t let your hips lower to the ground. | 2 | Hold and breathe for 30 seconds | |
Squat | Stand tall with feet a little wider than hips. Lower down into a squat. Push thru your heels and raise back up to a stand | 2 | 12 | Lower for 3 count, raise for 3 count |
Twisters Stationary | Stand with arms in front of you like you’re driving a car. Jump and twist your hips to the right and then left. Arms stay in front and lower body twists. | 2 | 12 | Jump left and right in steady even pace |
Reverse Plank - Table Top | Sit on floor resting back on your hands and knees are bent. Push belly button up to ceiling. Hold | 2 | 12 | hold up for 4 count |
Cool Down
- Lay on your back with your legs straight on floor. Raise one let straight up. I sometimes wrap a band or yoga strap around the bottom of my foot so I can add a little extra stretch. Repeat on other leg.
- Lay on right side. Bend left leg and grab your left foot in your left hand. Breathe and hold on for 20 sec. Repeat on other side.
Lay on your right side. Bring your left leg out in front of you. Keep it straight. Very slowly, rotate your left shoulder to the floor. Your arms should be straight out to your sides and palms facing up. Make sure your head is on the floor. This will allow for a great shoulder and chest stretch. But, you will also begin to feel it move down your spine into your low back, glutes and down your hamstring. Try to raise your left foot but keep it on the floor. Now, hang out here and breathe.
Tip to Progress
When you want to make this a bit more challenging, add a 3rd set.