Metabolism Booster
Do you ever feel like you are putting everything into your workouts but not seeing the results? I know, it has happened to me too! UGH! How frustrating…..wake up, workout, repeat…over and over!
It happens to the best of us, not that I am saying I’m one of the ‘best of us’ or anything! But, when we get ‘stuck in a rut’ doing the same routines day in and day out our bodies can sort of stop reacting. Think of how you get efficient at certain tasks, making a recipe over and over again for example. You get better at it, more efficient and it slowly requires less thought and effort. Well, your body does that too….geez, we are so smart and we don’t even know it! Too smart for our own good, actually.
Here’s another angle on the same phenomenon: Your body is like a chameleon (love that visual!). You’ve adapted to the workouts you have been doing week in and week out. You need a change of scenery…a bit of a different color gradient.
Don’t get me wrong, sometimes the same old, comfortable workout routines are great, especially if you simply love how they feel and they fit well into your routine. But, if you need a bump or boost to get to the next level, if you want a little stimulation or more fitness sensation---you gotta switch it up!
So, if you’re thinking, ‘Gee, this workout is cozy, comfy’ and you can go on autopilot during the second set of lunges, you might be missing some metabolic boosting or muscle stimulation. You might be stuck in a RUT. And, you’re not alone.
It’s time to ‘shake-it-up’! It’s good to get out of your routine and do something different. It just may spark your metabolism, stimulate your muscles and even inspire your MIND! Try this workout….let me know what you think.
Perform 5 minutes of a cardiovascular exercise of your choice, but make the last minute really count by increasing your speed. Some examples are: treadmill, elliptical, bicycle, walking, jogging. Just get that body moving to generate some heat. Be sure to click on the thumbnails to enlarge the pictures.
Workout Set
Exercise | Description | Sets | Reps | Tempo |
Inch worm crawl | Start standing and place hands on the floor. Walk hands out into plank position, walk feet in to meet hands. repeat | 2 | 12 | Walk hands out for 3 count, feet in for 3 count |
Row with band –alternating reverse lunge | Anchor the band. Stand facing the band using both handles. Step back into a reverse lunge and draw both handles back into a row. | 2 | 12 | Pull for 2 count, return for 4 count |
Squat w/ front raise | Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width. Lover down into squat, keeping weight in heels. Raise dumbbells with straight arms in front | 2 | 12 | Lower down 2 count, raise up 2 count |
Hop,Hop, Squat | Perform 2 hops and on 3rd hop, land in a squat. Keep your knees soft when you land. Don’t lock them out. | 2 | 30 seconds | Hop on 2 count, squat to 4 count |
Cardio | 3 minutes | |||
Opposite Arm/leg raise prone on stability ball | Lay on ball, facing down.hands and toes on the floor. Extend left hand and right leg out. Hold for a 3 count. Repeat on opposite side | 2 | 12 | Raise for 2 count hold for 3 count lower for 2 count |
Side lunge with overhead press | Lunge to the side reaching db or ball to knee. Return to center, pushing off lunging leg. Raise db or ball overhead | 2 | 12 | Lower for 2 count, raise for 1 count |
Stability ball Bridge – raise and lower | Begin sitting on SB. Walk out until head and shoulders are on the ball. Push tummy to ceiling then lower hips down toward the floor. Repeat | 2 | 12 | Lower for 3 count, raise for 3 count |
Iceskater Lunge | Step left with left leg, cross right leg behind. Step right with right leg, cross left leg behind. Increase speed to comfortable pace | 2 | 30 seconds | Natural tempo |
Cardio | 3 minutes | |||
Plank with alternating leg abduction | Begin in hand plank position, reach right toe out to tap floor, repeat on left | 2 | 12 | reach leg out for 2 count, in for 2 counts |
Overhead triceps extension with band | Anchor band above head height, face away from anchor. With handles behind head, stretch band out in front of head, keeping elbows high | 2 | 12 | pull out for 2 count, return to start for 3 count |
Bicep curl 1 leg balance | Stand holding dumbbels. Raise 1 leg and balance. Raise db in bicep curl | 2 | 12 | Raise weights for 2 count, lower 4 count |
Cardio | This time give it all you’ve got! You get to stretch when you’re done! | 3 minutes |
Cool Down
- Lay on your back with your legs straight on floor. Raise one let straight up. I sometimes wrap a band or yoga strap around the bottom of my foot so I can add a little extra stretch. Repeat on other leg.
- Lay on right side. Bend left leg and grab your left foot in your left hand. Breathe and hold on for 20 sec. Repeat on other side.
Lay on your right side. Bring your left leg out in front of you. Keep it straight. Very slowly, rotate your left shoulder to the floor. Your arms should be straight out to your sides and palms facing up. Make sure your head is on the floor. This will allow for a great shoulder and chest stretch. But, you will also begin to feel it move down your spine into your low back, glutes and down your hamstring. Try to raise your left foot but keep it on the floor. Now, hang out here and breathe.
Tip to Progress
When you are ready, add another minute to your cardio bursts. Then think about adding another set.