Cakey Strawberry Muffins with Streusel Topping
These are not your mainstream muffin. Well, not that anything I do is really mainstream.
Technically, mainstream is defined by Wikipedia as ‘the common current thought of the majority. It includes all popular culture and media culture, typically disseminated by mass media.’
After reading that, I got to thinking. Mainstream really is not what I’ve ever wanted. I look at my life and though it may seem somewhat conventional from the outside, it’s not really. First I married a man who went out of his way to make things unconventionally a BIG DEAL (most of the time in an amazingly good way!). I mean, really, we are talking about a guy who planned scavenger hunts around entire cities for anniversary gifts and wore a purple Mohawk after he was diagnosed with cancer just because he could! Ten years ago, I began my own business so I could do things my own way when working in my comfortably paid position might have led to a more ‘stable’ lifestyle. Then, things got a little crazy with kids, cancer and all the craziness that comes with widowhood and, alas, parenting alone.
But I didn’t stop there. Now I’m closing up shop with my business I started so long ago…all so I can create a life I believe is more in line with my calling. I no longer want to follow the fads of the fitness industry or comply with the cultural norms of living well.
I want Christ to define it all. And that is unconventional in this culture.
So, when I taste something that’s a little different, when I sink my teeth into a dense pound-cakey kind of muffin rather than the store-bought fluffiness filled with white flour and processed fillers, I revel in all that ‘different-ness’.
Maybe you’re with me. Maybe you’re not. But I dare you to live a little different. Be unique and UN-conventional once and a while. Because whether it’s how you eat or what you choose, living against the norm of this world wrought with ‘girls gone wild’ and (dare I say) Forty Shades of Grey, might be a bit more like what we want our children to see us emulate. At least I want mine to see me living well independent of popular culture.
So, here we are…back at strawberry, streusel-topped, grain-free and 100% real morning muffins. Give ‘em a try and see if you can go unconventional in your kitchen!
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- 2 cups almond flour*
- ½ cup coconut flour
- 6 eggs (I buy organic and pasture-raised when possible)**
- ½ cup honey
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- ½ teaspoon Celtic sea salt
- 1 cup fresh, chopped strawberries...I may have mounded mine high!
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- Baking spray, butter or coconut oil to grease the muffin tins
- Streusel:
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil, softened
- ¼ cup almond flour
- ⅓ cup chopped nuts (I used chopped walnuts but pecans would be great too!)
- 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup or honey
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon
Recipe Instructions
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease large 8 muffin cups with coconut oil or butter. I used a combination of large sized silicone cupcake liners and a 24 count mini-muffin pan.
- In a mixing bowl combine almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder and salt.
- In a separate bowl, mix all streusel ingredients and set aside.
- In yet another bowl whisk together eggs (and optional 'flax eggs'), honey, butter and vanilla.
- Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and blend thoroughly, but not over-blending.
- Gently fold in strawberries and pour or spoon batter into muffin tins.
- Sprinkle with streusel topping.
- Bake for about 35 minutes (large muffins) and 15 minutes (mini-muffins). Ovens vary and the consistency of these can be confusing. Once they are golden (see photos) and the toothpick comes out with dry-ish crumbles on it, pull them out. The tops should spring back.
- ENJOY warm! Or freeze what you will not eat in a day or two.
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Recipe Description
Technically grain free, I love the moist, cakey texture of these happy little muffins. Almond and coconut 'flours' plus ample fresh eggs create a morning treat filled with protein, good fats and, yes, even protein. Plus, how can you go wrong with a little crumble on the top!?
Recipe Notes
*I prefer this almond flour but you can usually buy some any almost any larger-sized grocery store. Buy my favorite Honeyville almond flour here. [3]
**Your local farmer's market may have a wonderful option for fresh, pastured eggs. On another note, I have made these with 3 eggs plus 3 tablespoons of milled flax mixed with 6 tablespoons warm water ('flax eggs'). It works great and adds some good fats.